Signature Tax plus Perfect Tax Resolutions to Defend Legal Prosecution

Usually the tax amount is calculated as a percentage of your earned monthly income. Your tax claims are deducted from your monthly income which you are liable to pay to the IRS department. Tax payers try to attempt fraud with the IRS department by falsifications of their earned income to avoid taxes. Falsification of misrepresentation of the earned income is against the law and constitutes tax fraud. If an individual is charged with fraud tax and owes more than $100,000 to the IRS, then IRS applies different ways to collect tax. Most common of them are, freezing of bank accounts, imposing property liens, seizing or selling of your personal assets and wage garnishment. Wage garnishment is a legal way to collect tax debt directly from the debtor’s paycheck to ensure the payment of tax claims. Garnishment of wages of an individual is a last-ditch effort of debt collection and is initiated by a court order which allows the IRS to take personnel earnings to pay the debt. If you are tax defaulter then it is necessary for you to consult a tax attorney capable enough to withstand the controversies raised against the allegations of the debtor. Signature Tax Plus will safeguard you and your personal assets, and represent you during all the legal procedure.

Tax fraud is investigated by the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation (CI) unit which appoints Revenue officers to collect unpaid tax revenue from the debtor’s. The RO has the right to take away all the stockpile of all your personal belongings like your home, cars, household stuff and may also hold on your life assets including your savings, current account, investments and much more.

Signature tax Services offered by our expert tax attorney will protect you and represent your case on your behalf in the court. Signature Tax Plus attorneys specialize in handling with the IRS controversies, without your personal involvement resolve your liabilities towards tax department. The Signtax services help you to make necessary amendments and accurate preparation of returns which will minimize the risk enforced collection of your personal assets and defend you criminal prosecution by IRS. The Signature tax services help clients to navigate through the legal process and negotiate with IRS department and settle your tax claims. If case you are not able to pay the negotiated tax amount or settlement at one time than we will set an affordable payment plan for you to pay unpaid tax amount.

Related Articles – Signature Tax Plus, Signature Tax Services, Signtax Services,

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